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Strange Inspiration for Designs, Building & Utility in Construction

Whether residential or commercial construction, customers can present unusual requests that require your teams to go beyond thinking outside-the-box to actually bending the box and the rules of design and functionality as you know them (within safety standards, of course). So reports Archinomy.

If you are looking for inspiration for impressing customers with cutting-edge architecture and novel uses of standard materials, look no further than these strange feats of construction wizardry:

  • There’s Poland’s most photographed “Crooked House,” a 4,000 square foot real house located in a shopping district.
  • Enter Germany’s Forest Spiral, a residential complex of 12 floors and 105 units for professionals and families.
  • Longaberger basket company took it’s product to new heights with the “Basket Building” located in Newark, Ohio.
  • Step into a dwelling suited for the cast of Lord of the Rings in France’s Ferdinand Cheval Palace, which was supposedly inspired by the shape of a stone and took 33 years to build.
  • And someone turned a White House inspired design on its roof at Wonderworks in Pigeon Ford, TN. 

Read the full article from Archinomy.

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